Wednesday, September 8, 2010

And now, let's talk armpits!

I have issues with my armpits.

Specifically, I'm talking about how smelly they are (or aren't). I seem to be an especially prolific sweater, which in turn can cause me to become an especially prolific smeller. I have tried all sorts of commercial deodorants over the years, and had achieved some sort of happy medium with (the not so secret brand) Secret.

As I started ambling down the crunchy path, I kept reading about how nasty most commercial antiperspirants were. (Just do a quick online search if you'd like to know specifics on the dangers of aluminum in antiperspirants; they were enough to scare me into searching for an alum-free alternative!)

There are a lot of good options for you in the natural deodorant realm if you want to go that route, and I've tried many of them. Some worked well, some cost a small fortune and others left my poor pits blistered. Most all of them were pricey, especially when compared to the mass-produced commercial products. I wanted a better alternative that would leave me sweet-smelling and not financially destitute...

Ladies (and gentlemen, if there are any men out there reading this armpit saga), may I please present the most incredible, the most frugal and the most impressive recipe for homemade deodorant? I promise - pinky swear and all - this stuff will blow your socks off. You could even eat it if you really wanted to!

  • 6 tablespoons of organic coconut oil
  • 1/4 cup of aluminum free baking soda
  • 1/4 cup of arrowroot powder

That's it. Three ingredients. Even a complete doofus in the kitchen like me can whip up a batch of miraculous deodorant in less than five minutes, so I have full faith in YOU!

  1. Combine the baking soda and arrowroot powder into a small mixing bowl.
  2. Add in the coconut oil, and keep blending, blending, blending.
  3. Transfer the finished product into pretty containers (I split mine into two bowls) with wide lids.
That's it. Three steps.

This does not require refrigeration, or any special care. I shower, I shave, I apply, I don't stink. Coconut oil is an amazingly creamy moisturizer with anti-bacterial qualities; I don't think my pits have ever been happier or better moisturized.

Please note:
  • This is not an antiperspirant. You will sweat. Sweating is an important bodily process that allows the body to shed toxins, so please let yourself sweat.
  • You can add in essential oils if you'd like more of a scent.
  • If you get itchy pits (some people have issues with baking soda), try replacing some of the baking soda with a little more arrowroot powder. If you'd like a creamier product, throw in a little extra coconut oil. You're the boss!
  • Coconut oil liquefies above 76 degrees. If you're in a HOT climate, you can throw your deodorant in the fridge to keep it in a solid state.

Enjoy! Please let me know how this works for you if you try it...

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